Saturday, April 16, 2016

Armed with Knowledge

Well, things have been growing, literally! My tea herbs are happily outside now, loving the sun this afternoon. The final plans for my cart are ready for construction. I have learned a lot about business structure, taxes, and permitting. A location to store my cart, bake scones, and process tea is tentatively secured. My business plan is fairly solid, but I'll be polishing it up this week. 
All in all, Eco Jam Coffee is ready to move forward! I am thoroughly enjoying the creation of this project. Navigating "start-up" world is hard, but I have been very blessed to have found so many helpful hands. With all of the information I have learned, questions asked, and endless conversations, I feel a renewed sense of confidence! 
The next steps are the big ones. My self-imposed one date is June. Every day is a little closer! I can't wait to get more accomplished, but it all takes time. Now that I have all of the tools I need, I'm ready to dig in. Again, literally. Grow, tea, grow!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Pink Chamomile, test recipe

The first blend is formulated! It is called Pink Chamomile, super appropriately.

I love the soothing benefits of chamomile tea. It's thought to aid depression and anxiety (both of which speak directly to me). As lovely as chamomile is alone, the Eco Jam blend incorporates dehydrated strawberries and beets. The result is a brilliantly pink, summery, sweet tea. 

The primary notes fall in categories of sweet earthiness and bold fruit. This is a delicious and complex tea, that can present as a light refreshment or as a deep, mysterious, claret-colored cup. 

Soon to be available!

Love, E.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Formulating and a western exposure

My tiny greenhouse is up and running! I love watching the tiny plants unfurling, and growing. Unfortunately, it's been a long process. At last I have my answer: I only have western-facing windows! Oh dear. Well, that's alright. Time to invest in a grow light or two. Only a setback, no worries. The kale and beets seem to be okay with their lives, however.

The rest of my seeds should arrive soon, and I can get to my carrots and peppers! I doubt they will feature in teas, but you never know! They will certainly appear in pastry.

Speaking of which, I formulated a super solid recipe for vegan scones! Better yet, I worked in coconut oil for the (healthier) fat component! That's right, no fakeness here. Just honest to goodness vegan pastry, made of real ingredients. Today's flavors are chocolate and orange zest, and the amazing, savoury herbs and nutrional yeast. It's basically a cheddar-herb scone. I know. You're salivating. 

Oh, if only I could send the smells via email. It's a great day in Uptown! 

More updates soon, I can't wait!

Love, Eleanor

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Apple cider vinegar

Each morning, I do a few shots. I have my espresso shot(s), wheatgrass shot, and an apple cider vinegar shot. Each has their place, but today's topic is the yummy and healthful ACV.

Remembering back to science class, I'm sure you recall "acidic or alkaline" substances. (Psst! Yes, acid and base are the same things.) Lemons are acidic because of their ascorbic acid, while batteries and lye are alkaline. In the middle of the scale is, well, water; totally neutral. Acetic acid in apple cider vinegar is reportedly strong enough to be anti-mocrobial and anti-bacterial. I certainly like things that fight illnesses when I drink them... hencely and therefore:

The ladies, Kombucha and Apple Cider Vinegar. Each helpful, but back to ACV.

An ex- of mine, a healer, told me lemon water was best for my constitution each morning. I tried it for a while, and enjoyed the results, but lemons travel a long way to my grocery store. Not so delightful. Along with lemon water, a tablespoon of ACV in the morning, on an empty stomach, is a long-time favorite health ritual. A friend of mine told me a story of his mother giving him ACV with honey daily, 'because she was a hippie.' Whole hilarious, she had the right idea. Beginning the day with some vinegar can aide weight loss, diabetes, sore throats, and countless others ailments and maladies. 

I, personally, am inclined to try fermented anything. I am having a passionate affair with kombucha, but a budding romance with ACV. I noticed first less tummy troubles, and then a flatter stomach. It was amazing! After a few weeks, I began preparing my own so I could have it daily.


-4 apple's peels and cores (I cut the flesh away)
-Water to cover

My jar was small, maybe 8 cups. I peeled four organic apples, removed the fleshy part, and used the cores. Once the jar was full of peels and cores, I covered it with water. Using paper towel and a rubber band on top allows the jar to be protected and exposed to air. There might be some greyness after a bit, but don't worry. As long as bugs don't get inside, it's fine! After a month, your jar should be all good to strain, bottle and enjoy.

I enjoy my shot of apple cider vinegar in 4 oz. of sparkling water, but any way will do! There you have it: morning cleaning, as local as can be. 

Friday, January 8, 2016

DIY Coffee Staining 101

I had a boring, standard Ikea kitchen table and chairs. The bare pine was so starkly pale!
The day came, as it usually does, where I need a creative project. I got myself a lovely pour-over, some 220 grit sandpaper, and went at it:

My oh my, are they dull?! Absolutely no personality.
After a quick 220 grit sanding, I maybe some rather strong coffee.

I applied the coffee, grounds and all to the pine.

After three coats, you can really tell the difference! The coffee stain resembles oak.

Isn't that amazing? 

I read a few blogs that suggested linseed oil to seal the extremely non-toxic stain.
While I love that I idea, I already had some polycrylic on hand. 

There you have it! Beautiful, non-toxic, DIY, cheap as could be wood staining. Bonus, I got the whole thing done in about 6 hours. The coffee dries quickly and so did the polycrylic.

My advice to you would be: strain your coffee first. The grounds make cool speckling patterns, but they are the very devil to clean off.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Now it's real.

   There are so many ways to actualize something. After sitting on an idea for eight years, I just made it real. "Real," however, is a feeling in this regard; as in, I felt my dream become real. 
   From years of coffee shop experience, in patronage and employment, I know that I love being a barista. I love seeing regular guests every morning and cultivating a welcoming atmosphere. Each morning is more play than work, cracking jokes, pouring gorgeous latte art, and listening to peoples' stories. My regulars are friends that build relationships with me. Once I get comfortable, the coffee shop is like my living room. The morning rush is a rapid-fire recitation of my guests' names. Each one gets personal service and a great cup of coffee. Every shop is the same, even though they are all different. 
   My other great passion is the natural world. I enjoy growing food and landscaping. I am also a huge fan of hard work, so the farm life has always interested me. Thinking in terms of resources, coffee seems frivolous and wasteful. On the other hand, it's a daily indulgence millions want, and, honestly, I am absolutely one of them. My cupboard is full of reusable containers that I try to remember, to be more environmentally responsible. I cringe when I see plastic straws and to go cups in the trash can. I can't change the world. Paper and plastic are the most readily used take out containers, and coffee is still shipped halfway across the world. What is a girl to do?!
   All of my ideas came to a conclusion recently: I am opening a coffee shop of my own! It will be called Eco Jam, which felt very appropriate. All containers used for food and drink will be compostable or recycled. Coffee will be locally roasted and thoroughly investigated for fairness. A line of herbal teas is also in the works, homegrown, of course. 
   The beginning of Eco Jam will be very small, most likely a kiosk or stand. Within three years, I hope to have enough of a following to open a shop with a greenhouse. From there, perhaps in five years, I will be experimenting with locally grown coffee and black tea. Eco Jam will expand into commercial greenhouse space, possibly on a farm. By keeping products local, there will be very little shipping and much fresher products. Nothing this extensive is being done in Chicago yet. As the Green movement is gaining momentum and popularity, these Eco-friendly changes are needed in the coffee industry.
   "I am opening a coffeeshop." I keep saying it like an intention. To make it Real, I started a blog. This is the beginning. The old business plan is dusted off and being spruced up. I am sketching a logo. I have done more writing and research in the last week than in the last five years. It's wonderful! I am exhilarated by this challenge. Whatever happens next, I am ready and totally unprepared. One day at a time, I am meeting my goal.